The essentials of being a girl.

The essentials of being a girl.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Go Go Concentration (Or Not)

Studying for my finals is hard. Not just because I have so much to learn, but because I really can't focus when it's neccessary. This is an example of my inner monologue when I open my chemistry book.

'Hmm. Well, I'm going to study for one hour and then it's time for a break. I'm going to do this. Concentrate! Focus! You can do it girl!'

*turns on iPod*

'This song sucks. Wait, I have to create a learning playlist first! Let's see...'

'And I need a drink too, before I begin. I wonder if there's some coke left.'

'And a sandwhich'

'Or maybe two. With cheese, or ham..'

'Gosh, where have I left my pencils and calculator? I need them right now.'

'I think it's better to listen to the radio right now. No iPod.'

'Crap, I need a computer for that!'

*closes book*

'I think I'm going to download that song right now, i'm already using the computer now...'

'Sweet! Got my salary! Maybe I... Okay, just going to search for a new pair of shoes and then back to sience.'

'And it isn't a crime to check my mail and twitter too... Just five more minutes.'

*two hours later*

'Oh crap.'

'Well. Let's eat lucnh first. Then I'm going to study. For real.'

I'm easily distracted. Concentration isn't my cup of tea, I'm afraid. I can be very focused though - but only on stuff that I like to be focused on. Like watching tv or reading a fashion magazine...

I'm glad that I'm nearly finished with my finals. Thank God. Just two more...

1 comment:

  1. Oooh, dit is heel herkenbaar! En dan als mijn examen voor me ligt, ben ik boos op mezelf, omdat ik weet dat ik had moeten harder studeren. Ben wel al blij dat ik niet de enige ben die zich geen 5 min kan concentreren. Alles lijkt opeens heel erg interessant!

    x Floor
