Nou, laat ik dan meteen maar eens wat vertellen over mijn studentenleventje, ik ben nu toch bezig...
Ik woon sinds 1 Oktober in een studentenhuis in Transwijk-zuid, in een wijk die vooral een prachtige combinatie is van allerlei verschillende culturen en leeftijden! Mijn buren: een gezin met twee ontzettend hyperactieve jongetjes. Het verschil kan haast niet groter zijn, haha! We zitten er nu met z'n zessen omdat alle kamers nu verhuurd zijn, want de eerste maanden stonden er twee kamers leeg. Het is dus een stuk gezelliger geworden en dat is ook wel te merken aan de keuken en badkamer die steeds smeriger worden... Oeps.
Maar goed, wanneer ik mijn fietsensleutel niet kwijt ben fiets ik binnen een kwartiertje naar het centrum toe om daar lekker intelectueel te doen tijdens colleges, koffie te drinken met studiegenootjes, te eten met mijn jaarclub, lekker te borrelen bij UMTC of gewoon om lekker te gaan shoppen. Bovendien woont mijn allerliefste neef ook sinds Oktober in Utrecht en dat heeft als gevolg dat we nu nog vaker kunnen afspreken en dat ik nogal vaak in zijn 'kamer' van 60 m2 (die hij deelt met een vriendin) te vinden ben. Ik ben in september begonnen met mijn studie zonder echte contacten in Utrecht: vriendinnen gingen naar compleet andere steden en eigenlijk begon ik dus helemaal opnieuw! Maar dat heeft heel goed uitgepakt en ik vind het zo ontzettend leuk in Utrecht dat ik nooit meer weg wil... Ik denk dat de cirkel nu wel zo'n beetje rond is, want mijn ouders hebben ook in Utrecht gestudeerd en zijn daar pas 11 jaar geleden weggegaan. Ik ben heel erg benieuwd of ik, net als hen, ook echt in Utrecht blijf plakken en vooral of ik na een tijdje ook besluit om naar een lullig dorpje te verhuizen (denk het niet, maar wie weet). I'll keep you updated!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Happy Holidays
Goeiemorgen, ik kwam net mijn blog weer tegen (ja, echt, daar schaam ik me toch wel voor hoor, dat ik heel enthousiast aan iets begin en er vervolgens geen aandacht meer aan schenk) en besefte weer eens hoe erg mijn leven is veranderd dit jaar. Ik ben gaan studeren, woon nu op mezelf in Utreg me stadsjie, ben lid geworden van een studentenvereniging en heb ontzéttend veel leuke en lieve mensen leren kennen. Ik ben pas vier maanden bezig met mijn studie, maar het lijkt alsof ik nooit ben weggeweest uit Utrecht!
Voor mij was 2010 echt een topjaar: gymnasiumdiploma binnen, een week naar Londen met een vriendin en daarna een nog vollere zomervakantie die na de vakantie met mijn ouders vooral bestond uit introductieperiodes. Ik ben heel benieuwd wat 2011 voor mij in petto heeft, ik heb er zin! Ik ben ieder geval wel van plan om mijn blog wat beter bij te houden, haha.. Geniet van deze luie tweede kerstdag en alvast een heel gelukkig nieuw jaar - het kan alleen maar beter worden toch? Ik ga eens even kijken of er nog wat over is van het kerstdiner...
Dikke kus en eet niet teveel oliebollen vrijdag!
Voor mij was 2010 echt een topjaar: gymnasiumdiploma binnen, een week naar Londen met een vriendin en daarna een nog vollere zomervakantie die na de vakantie met mijn ouders vooral bestond uit introductieperiodes. Ik ben heel benieuwd wat 2011 voor mij in petto heeft, ik heb er zin! Ik ben ieder geval wel van plan om mijn blog wat beter bij te houden, haha.. Geniet van deze luie tweede kerstdag en alvast een heel gelukkig nieuw jaar - het kan alleen maar beter worden toch? Ik ga eens even kijken of er nog wat over is van het kerstdiner...
Dikke kus en eet niet teveel oliebollen vrijdag!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Soep Soep Soep

Vorige week is mijn leven als student officieel begonnen - met vier lange dagen die vooral in het teken stonden van bier en 'liedjes'(Mij hoor je niet klagen).
Utrecht heeft een algemene introductie voor alle nieuwe studenten: de Utrechtse Introductie Tijd, de UIT dus. Lekker originele naam, of niet dan? De bedoeling is dat je mentorpapa's/mentormama's je in een hele kort tijd heel Utrecht laten zien, wat in feite gewoon betekent dat ze je zoveel mogelijk café's en kroegen laten afwerken. Mijn mentorpapa's zijn daar in ieder geval glansrijk in geslaagd! Er waren wel wat activiteiten georganiseerd, waar we ook wel aan begonnen, maar na een paar minuten volgde altijd de volgende dialoog:
'' Heeft er nog iemand zin om door te gaan?''
'' Neuh.''
''Oké. Bier?''
Tijdens de UITgame waar geweldige prijzen gewonnen konden worden - wat moet ik nou weer met een hockeystick?! - zaten we dan ook ergens in een café de smsjes van de spelleiding weg te drukken.
Ik zit nu weer thuis, bezig met inpakken voor de intro's die nog komen, maar ik wil zo graag terug. Ik heb vroeger in Utrecht gewoond, dus ik kende de stad nog een beetje, maar ik ben gewoon weer helemaal verliefd! Kom maar op met dat eerste jaar, die studie doen we wel gewoon tussen de feestjes en kroegentochten door.
(Oh, en over de titel, dat is één van de liedjes die je tijdens de UIT veel hoort.
Hier een link naar de tekst en de tekst van de andere liedjes. Openen geheel op eigen risico:
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Zo, mijn vakantie is nu écht begonnen: gymnasium diploma is binnen en ik hoef volgende maand alleen nog maar even naar school toe om dat diploma op te halen! Dus nu is het tijd om echt te gaan genieten van het weer. Picknickkleedje in de tuin, flesje rosé, stapeltje tijdschriften en om helemaal in de stemming te komen: een wagonlading muziek die perfect bij de zomer past (bij chillen op een kleedje/handdoek dus). Wat dacht bijvoorbeeld van het volgende rijtje?
Graffiti 6 - Stare Into The Sun
Diana Vickers - The Boy Who Murdered Love
K'Naan - Waving Flag (The Celebration Remix)
Katy Perry - California Gurls
Mika - We Are Golden
Yolanda Be Cool & DCUP - We Speak No Americano
Jamie Lidell - Another Day
Francesca Battistelli - Free To Be Me
Metro Station - Shake It
MGMT - Kids
Lucky Fonz III - Ik Heb Een Meisje
Laurent Wolf - Seventies
Liquido - Narcotic
Manu Chao - Bongo Bong
M.I.A - Paper Planes
Carla Bruni - Quelqu'un M'a Dit
Ach, het blijft een zomerliedje:
Dj Mangoo ft. Deadline - Fanta & Rosé (kijk vooral de clip op youtube even, We hadden dit gewoon naar Oslo moeten sturen jongens!)
En, al zin in de zomer?! Ik ga maar eens lekker buiten zitten met een glaasje rosé en m'n iPod op vol volume...
Graffiti 6 - Stare Into The Sun
Diana Vickers - The Boy Who Murdered Love
K'Naan - Waving Flag (The Celebration Remix)
Katy Perry - California Gurls
Mika - We Are Golden
Yolanda Be Cool & DCUP - We Speak No Americano
Jamie Lidell - Another Day
Francesca Battistelli - Free To Be Me
Metro Station - Shake It
MGMT - Kids
Lucky Fonz III - Ik Heb Een Meisje
Laurent Wolf - Seventies
Liquido - Narcotic
Manu Chao - Bongo Bong
M.I.A - Paper Planes
Carla Bruni - Quelqu'un M'a Dit
Ach, het blijft een zomerliedje:
Dj Mangoo ft. Deadline - Fanta & Rosé (kijk vooral de clip op youtube even, We hadden dit gewoon naar Oslo moeten sturen jongens!)
En, al zin in de zomer?! Ik ga maar eens lekker buiten zitten met een glaasje rosé en m'n iPod op vol volume...
Friday, May 28, 2010
Holiday (Celebrate)
I've just finished my finals! Woo-hoo! And now I'll have to wait about three weeks before I know if I'm going to graduate. Keeping my fingers crossed... but I seriously don't know if I did well. I hope so! However: I'm finished with school (unless I failed, but I don't want to be too pessimistic) and my summer holiday has just started. I hope that I can start with my life as a student in a few months, and not only because that means I can buy new stuff when I'm going to rent my own apartment. No. Well.. Ok, it does mean that I can buy new stuff. Damn, you got me.
(But seriously, I can't wait to go to IKEA and spend my whole bankaccount on furniture and everything you need when you're moving out)

(But seriously, I can't wait to go to IKEA and spend my whole bankaccount on furniture and everything you need when you're moving out)

We Are Losers
Today is a sad day for the Dutch society. We didn't make it to the final for the sixth time in a row. That offically makes us the worst participant of the Eurovision Songcontest ever. What a shame. But nobody blames Sieneke. No, next year the Tros will participate with a dutch song again. They still believe that's the only way to make it into the final. Well, you rocked the hurdy-gurdy girl. I'm proud of you. And now come back home to eat your potatoes with gravy and vegetables.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Shalalie Shalala

The Eurovision Song Contest. Or, in other words, the East-Europian And Rich Countries Song Contest. We aren't East Europian nor very rich, so we haven't been very succesfully during the last decade. In 1998 we were third runner-up with Edsilia Rombley and 'Hemel & Aarde' and one year later countries were allowed to sing in english. Bu-bye Holland. We haven't reached the final ever since. But this year, Pierre Cartner - you know him. The Smurfs. Watercrane. Keyhole - wrote a Dutch song about eating ice cream in Paris, a beach in Lisbon, an airplane to Oslo, a café in Trinidad and a terrace in Berlin with a catchy chorus: shalalie shalala. Nobody likes it, but he thinks it will be a winning song. And that winning song is performed by Sieneke, a 18 year old hairdresser that doesn't speak english. She tries though. She thinks her song 'does not go out your head'. May I introduce you to our hot mess: Ik ben verliefd (shalalie)
Yeah, girl's a winner. I prefer the english version:
Good luck girl.
I download tons of music every month (but sometimes I feel kinda bad for the artists and then I buy a couple of CD's that I import in iTunes and never use afterwards). I need my daily dose of music, can't live without it. That means the radio is turned on 24/7 and that my iPod goes everywhere I go.
I can't describe my taste - because I listen to almost everything but rap & hiphop - but here are some songs that I love and have listened very often recently. What is your taste of music? Tell me!
I can't describe my taste - because I listen to almost everything but rap & hiphop - but here are some songs that I love and have listened very often recently. What is your taste of music? Tell me!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
We have three cats. Lizzy - a bit fat and the youngest of the pack -, Loesje - thin as a stick - and Rosa - a lazy old cat that looks like a sausage with feet and mostly sleeps- who each represent their owner, in fysical appearance and behaviour. Lizzy is 'The one who can cry so hard it hurts' cat - they have a chubby body and a biting addiction in common. Loesje is 'The one made of pure bitchiness' cat - both extremely thin. Rosa is mine. I'm not going to explain why she looks like me. But I have to say that sleeping is one of my hobbies. Too bad we don't have dogs, because they tend to look like their owners even more...

Have a nice day. I'm going to feed my cat and eat some bread myself, we are hungry.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Little Sisters
I am the oldest of three sisters. In some ways, that's awesome. In most ways, it's just a curse. Seriously. You know what's the problem with being the oldest sister? When you're sixteen, your parents are very worried about you, because they're afraid that you will end up in rehab now you're legally allowed to drink booze. The get really overprotective, because it's all new. When your little sisters turn sixteen, your parents ask them if they want some wine and tell them that it's ok if they want to party next saturday.
And worse: everything is always your fault, because you are wise enough to know better. I get really annoyed when my mum starts that speech again. Anyway, example number 1. Little sister number 1 - to be called 'the one who can cry so loud it hurts' hereafter - can get really angry. Really, really angry. She get's furious, for no explicit reason. She just gets furious and starts to cry, to scream, to bite, to kick and to slap. And when I react by jelling at her, it's my fault - because I shouldn't react in the first place, according to my parents. Example number 2. Little sister number 2 - to be called 'the one mostly made of pure bitchiness - can be extremely annoying, in a way all little sisters do, but a bit worser. When I go to school by bus and she takes her bike, she complains. Whatever, that isn't my problem. The one mostly made of pure bitchiness is a star in answering questions in the most bitchy way she can imagine. Yeah, life is hard when you can't do anything to make them stop - then hell just breakes loose. Being the oldest is so unfair.
But you know what: I don't have to use old stuff from my oldest sister. Ha. 1-1.
(By the way: I do love my sisters, but bitching about everything is something that happens in every household with a lot of girls)
And worse: everything is always your fault, because you are wise enough to know better. I get really annoyed when my mum starts that speech again. Anyway, example number 1. Little sister number 1 - to be called 'the one who can cry so loud it hurts' hereafter - can get really angry. Really, really angry. She get's furious, for no explicit reason. She just gets furious and starts to cry, to scream, to bite, to kick and to slap. And when I react by jelling at her, it's my fault - because I shouldn't react in the first place, according to my parents. Example number 2. Little sister number 2 - to be called 'the one mostly made of pure bitchiness - can be extremely annoying, in a way all little sisters do, but a bit worser. When I go to school by bus and she takes her bike, she complains. Whatever, that isn't my problem. The one mostly made of pure bitchiness is a star in answering questions in the most bitchy way she can imagine. Yeah, life is hard when you can't do anything to make them stop - then hell just breakes loose. Being the oldest is so unfair.
But you know what: I don't have to use old stuff from my oldest sister. Ha. 1-1.
(By the way: I do love my sisters, but bitching about everything is something that happens in every household with a lot of girls)
Monday, May 24, 2010
Go Go Concentration (Or Not)
Studying for my finals is hard. Not just because I have so much to learn, but because I really can't focus when it's neccessary. This is an example of my inner monologue when I open my chemistry book.
'Hmm. Well, I'm going to study for one hour and then it's time for a break. I'm going to do this. Concentrate! Focus! You can do it girl!'
*turns on iPod*
'This song sucks. Wait, I have to create a learning playlist first! Let's see...'
'And I need a drink too, before I begin. I wonder if there's some coke left.'
'And a sandwhich'
'Or maybe two. With cheese, or ham..'
'Gosh, where have I left my pencils and calculator? I need them right now.'
'I think it's better to listen to the radio right now. No iPod.'
'Crap, I need a computer for that!'
*closes book*
'I think I'm going to download that song right now, i'm already using the computer now...'
'Sweet! Got my salary! Maybe I... Okay, just going to search for a new pair of shoes and then back to sience.'
'And it isn't a crime to check my mail and twitter too... Just five more minutes.'
*two hours later*
'Oh crap.'
'Well. Let's eat lucnh first. Then I'm going to study. For real.'
I'm easily distracted. Concentration isn't my cup of tea, I'm afraid. I can be very focused though - but only on stuff that I like to be focused on. Like watching tv or reading a fashion magazine...
I'm glad that I'm nearly finished with my finals. Thank God. Just two more...
'Hmm. Well, I'm going to study for one hour and then it's time for a break. I'm going to do this. Concentrate! Focus! You can do it girl!'
*turns on iPod*
'This song sucks. Wait, I have to create a learning playlist first! Let's see...'
'And I need a drink too, before I begin. I wonder if there's some coke left.'
'And a sandwhich'
'Or maybe two. With cheese, or ham..'
'Gosh, where have I left my pencils and calculator? I need them right now.'
'I think it's better to listen to the radio right now. No iPod.'
'Crap, I need a computer for that!'
*closes book*
'I think I'm going to download that song right now, i'm already using the computer now...'
'Sweet! Got my salary! Maybe I... Okay, just going to search for a new pair of shoes and then back to sience.'
'And it isn't a crime to check my mail and twitter too... Just five more minutes.'
*two hours later*
'Oh crap.'
'Well. Let's eat lucnh first. Then I'm going to study. For real.'
I'm easily distracted. Concentration isn't my cup of tea, I'm afraid. I can be very focused though - but only on stuff that I like to be focused on. Like watching tv or reading a fashion magazine...
I'm glad that I'm nearly finished with my finals. Thank God. Just two more...
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Before I introduce myself, I want to introduce you to a problem that is common to every woman on earth. I guess that, if you are one of us, you instantly know what I mean. We buy too much. Of everything. And what's even worse: we don't need it. We are very materialistic girls.
When we're running out of shampoo and conditioner, we buy four different versions of the same product. One shampoo for shiny hair, one for greasy hair, one for tangled hair and one for soft hair - with matching conditioners, of course. Out of showergel? We buy an unnamed number of bottles in different scents. And most important is that they all do something different for your skin, like scrubbing, moisturising, adding a healthy glow... Whatever. We don't buy one lipgloss. We buy at least five. Or more. More is always better. We have twelve different shades of blush, thirty shades of eyeshadow and seven mascaras. Twenty lipsticks, sixteen lipbalms (that are always missing, because we keep two of them in our pockets, five in our bags, six at random places like tables and chairs and five next to our bed, for emergencies at night), four shimmering powders and about fifty bottles of nailpolish. We are addicted to buying stuff we don't need, especially shoes and bags. Men don't understand that whe 'need' a minimum of thirty pairs of shoes - they can live with just two pairs of extremely dirty sneakers. And that's the difference between men and women. Men buy stuff, because they need it. When you have worn the same pair of sneakers for about three years, you need new ones, because walking on bare feet isn't an option. We, women, don't agree with that. We buy new shoes for every ocasion.
I'm a very feminine girl - my bedroom is stuffed with piles of clothes (some of them still with a price tag attached), too much make-up, shoes, bags, necklaces, bracelets and a shitload of soap and shampoo. But I don't care about that, because that is who I am: I am Jolijn, 18 years old, and a girl with too much of everything that she doesn't need. Hi. Nice to meet you.
When we're running out of shampoo and conditioner, we buy four different versions of the same product. One shampoo for shiny hair, one for greasy hair, one for tangled hair and one for soft hair - with matching conditioners, of course. Out of showergel? We buy an unnamed number of bottles in different scents. And most important is that they all do something different for your skin, like scrubbing, moisturising, adding a healthy glow... Whatever. We don't buy one lipgloss. We buy at least five. Or more. More is always better. We have twelve different shades of blush, thirty shades of eyeshadow and seven mascaras. Twenty lipsticks, sixteen lipbalms (that are always missing, because we keep two of them in our pockets, five in our bags, six at random places like tables and chairs and five next to our bed, for emergencies at night), four shimmering powders and about fifty bottles of nailpolish. We are addicted to buying stuff we don't need, especially shoes and bags. Men don't understand that whe 'need' a minimum of thirty pairs of shoes - they can live with just two pairs of extremely dirty sneakers. And that's the difference between men and women. Men buy stuff, because they need it. When you have worn the same pair of sneakers for about three years, you need new ones, because walking on bare feet isn't an option. We, women, don't agree with that. We buy new shoes for every ocasion.
I'm a very feminine girl - my bedroom is stuffed with piles of clothes (some of them still with a price tag attached), too much make-up, shoes, bags, necklaces, bracelets and a shitload of soap and shampoo. But I don't care about that, because that is who I am: I am Jolijn, 18 years old, and a girl with too much of everything that she doesn't need. Hi. Nice to meet you.
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